GeoTest provides state-of-the-art geotechnical engineering and consulting services throughout the United States. Our traditional services include:
- Full-Service Geotechnical Engineering and Consulting
- Cost-Effective Foundation Design
- Existing Foundation Plan Evaluation
- Site Feasibility Assessments
- Peer Reviews
- On-Site Condition Assessment and Problem Solving
- Site Investigations
- Soil & Rock Drilling/Sampling
- In-Situ Soil and Geophysical Testing
- Groundwater Evaluations
Our geotechnical engineering and consulting services provide value during all phases of a project, from preliminary engineering through completion of the building process.
- When included on the design team during due diligence, we can offer significant insight into the potential geologic conditions, of which project feasibility and design decisions can be made.
- During design, we can provide judgments and advise the design team on the structural and economic effects of the subsurface conditions present.
- During construction, we can observe actual site conditions and recommend, when necessary, modifications to the design to manage or reduce costs.
GeoTest has the geotechnical and construction expertise to provide foundation design recommendations that will minimize construction costs, reduce construction time, and effectively manage construction risks.